Glory to God!
Yesterday was the last day of our 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal and the last day of our 21 day fast. It has been a significant journey for us and many have testified to experiencing change in their lives over these past 3 weeks and months! Apart from the joy of having a full house yesterday, there was a wonderful sense of God’s love as we worshipped and shared communion together. Richard then shared a message entitled, “God’s vision for KLF” in which he showed us the following:
- Without a prophetic vision, people become disconnected and “run wild.” Prov 29:18
- Unless we have a goal, we cannot measure our progress. Phil 3:12-14
- God’s vision for the Church is to build the new Jerusalem, the city of peace, the bride of Christ that is made up of Jew and Gentile and is to become the dwelling place of God with man. Rev 21&22; Heb 12:22-24; Eph 2:14-22
- God wants us to build a house of peace, a people who live in God’s shalom and seek to help those who do not know Him, to be reconciled to Him.
- God’s shalom is the manifestation of fullness in Christ. Jn 10:10
- The glory of God is connected to His shalom, Hag 2:9
- We are called to be a sign and a symbol of the new Jerusalem – a foretaste of heaven on earth. 2 Cor 5:17-21; Jn 17:16
- Just as God is zealous, intentional and practical in order to fulfil His goal, so He calls us to be zealous, intentional and practical in moving toward the goal of building a house of peace. John 3:16; Isa 9:7; 2 Cor 11:2; Jn 2:17; Col 1:19,20; 1 Jn 3:16-18
Using the illustration of a zip, Richard showed us that we are to be like zips as we zealously, intentionally and practically (z.i.p.) seek to be reconciled to God, to one another and help the lost to be reconciled to God. Richard exhorted the church to make a commitment before God to be zips in order for us to build a house of peace together.
As we take hold of God’s word to us for 2020 – Reconcile – we are looking to work through Danny Silk’s excellent book on building healthy relationships, entitled “Keep your love on.” The plan is to meet in small groups over a six week period, beginning at the end of February and to study the book together as a church.
We praise God for what He is showing us and for what He is doing among us as we commit to zealously, intentionally and practically build a house of peace together! Hallelujah!
Upcoming Events
29.02: Paint and praise workshop
24.02 – 05.04: 6-week “Keep your love on” project
25.04: Seminar with Alexander Blair at Alt-Hausen 34
07.06: Baptismal service at 11:00 (location to be decided)
21.06: Joint summer celebration with CZF and Quelle des Lebens