Glory to God!
As we continue on this exciting journey of 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, we are seeing a shift take place in different areas of our lives that we are praying for and believing God to bring about a change of direction that is aligned to His will and purposes. Hallelujah!
In the past few weeks, the Lord has been speaking to us about our identity in Christ. As we receive revelation of who God is and who we are in Christ, the Lord is renewing our minds to bring about reversal in our thinking so that we align ourselves to God’s truth.
Two weeks ago Maria spoke to us about how miracles are not dependent on how hard we believe or on our faithfulness but on who God is and how faithful He is. In her message entitled, “How do miracles happen?” we looked at Matthew 9:28,29, Hebrews 11:6 and Hebrews 11:11, and asked the question whether we believe God can perform miracles, whether God wants to perform miracles and whether we believe that He will perform miracles in our lives. Knowing God as One who is faithful, loving and powerful will help us trust in Him to do miracles in our lives! Following on from Maria’s message, Richard then showed us from Matthew 16:13-20 that how we see ourselves is dependent on our personal revelation of who God is.
In his message entitled, “Put on your light!” Richard spoke to us last Sunday about the believer’s identity as a child of light and how we are to be light in this world (see Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 5:8-10). Looking at the example of Jesus in John 1:1-14, we saw that being light in this world means: beginning with God and living from Him; imparting life to others; not being overcome by darkness; entering the darkness; being prepared to be rejected and misunderstood; being a gateway to the Kingdom; making the Kingdom a reality; revealing the Father and imparting grace and truth. Richard reminded us that believers are to live from their new identity in Christ and not to live in order to attain a new identity. Having been created in Christ as the light of the world, Richard challenged us to put on our light and to keep it on!
We praise God for the reversal that is taking place as we take hold of His truth and live from our knowledge of God and our new identity in Him! Hallelujah!
Upcoming events
Tuesdays from 19:00 – 21:00: Bible Study at Alt-Hausen 34
15.09 at 18:00: Baptism at the Bärensee in Hanau (after our regular service in Salzschlirferstr.15)
25.09 at 19:30: KLF Prayer at Alt-Hausen 34
28.09 from 15:00 – 21:00: KLF Family Party at Naturfreundehaus (Am Poloplatz 15)
Photo by Taylor Smith on Unsplash