

Glory to God! We praise God for His faithfulness to us in 2019 and we are excited about what the Lord is already doing among us and showing us for 2020! The word the Lord has given our KLF leaders for 2020 is RECONCILE! We believe the Lord is calling us to be reconciled to Him, to…

The greatest Gift

The greatest Gift!

Glory to God! As we continue on our 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, God is reminding us and deepening our understanding of the truth of who He is, who we are in Christ and what His purposes are for our lives as believers and as the Church. To help us pray during these…

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

Step through, step in, step up!

Glory to God! As we continue on this exciting journey of transformation, God is calling us to step through, step in and step up: to step through discouragement, to step into our own shoes and to step up to our high calling as the revelation of God’s image. Step through! In his message entitled, “Staying the…

Photo by Gabriel Silvério on Unsplash

Christ’s Passion for His Church

Glory to God! In this year of transformation, we are seeing how God wants to bring reversal into our lives, the Church and our cities. As we continue on this powerful journey of repentance during our 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, we are seeing how God is revealing His love to us in…

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Encountering God

Glory to God! During these significant 180 days of prayer for a 180° reversal, God is showing us how He brings about transformation in our lives, the Church and our cities. In these past 3 weeks, the Lord has been speaking to us through Richard’s daily devotionals and the sermons on Sunday about His presence,…

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The Glory of Christ!

Glory to God! As a church, we are on a journey of repentance – 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal! During these days of prayer and reflection, God has recently been speaking to us about the nature and glory of the Church. With the daily devotionals that Richard is writing and what is being…

Photo by Tania Miron on Unsplash

Sprinkled, dipped or dunked?

Glory to God! As we continue on our journey of 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, we are excited to see how God is moving among us and bringing about change in this year of transformation. With daily devotionals, Richard is encouraging us to pray God’s Word so that there is an alignment with…

Photo by Taylor Smith on Unsplash


Glory to God! As we continue on this exciting journey of 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, we are seeing a shift take place in different areas of our lives that we are praying for and believing God to bring about a change of direction that is aligned to His will and purposes. Hallelujah!…

Photo by Silas Köhler on Unsplash

Keys for Reversal

Glory to God! As a church, we are on a journey of repentance as we seek God’s face to turn things around in our lives that are not aligned to His truth and purposes. For 180 days we are praying for 180° reversal to take place in our own lives, the lives of others, the…


Journey of repentance

Glory to God! As we enter the second half of this year of transformation, God is calling us to pray. After a powerful time of worship and communion on Sunday, Richard shared a message entitled, “180°“, in which he spoke to us about how God wants to bring reversal in our lives, our church and our city as…