… in one God our Creator, who has revealed Himself to mankind as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit but is one Lord of all.
… that the Bible is God’s word to us, inspired by the Holy Spirit and given to help everyone know God and live according to His will.
… Jesus is the only way to an everlasting relationship with God and that every person who surrenders his or her life to Jesus and trusts in Christ to be in right standing with God is born again and receives the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
… baptism is a step of obedience for those who believe in Christ as Saviour, have repented of their sin, have accepted Christ’s forgiveness and choose to submit to Him as their Lord.
… God reveals Himself to us through the person and work of the Holy Spirit and that it is by the enabling of the Holy Spirit that the believer can be Christ-like in character and power.
… there is one Church, the Body of Christ made up of all who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and that every member of Christ’s Body should be part of a local church.
… Jesus is coming again and that our lives on earth are temporary as we await Christ’s glorious return.